
The 3 ways to develop the business

  • Optimizing/improving processes
  • Create outward Growth
  • New business model – both new process and new customers markets

The three ways are connected, only the tools are different!

Focus on sales, strategy, right time and timely dedication and diligence.

  1. Make a short time status on five growth initiatives
  2. Active participation from key people
  3. Costomize the project plan ; check questions
  4. Get the preview diagrams/flowcharts emerged from reports
  5. Visual representation of corporate status “into the future”
  6. New initiatives launched NOT until ready
  7. Continuous follow-up on agreed action !

PHASE 1: Eye opener

  • Taking stock
  • Find attractive, overlooked and undervalued opportunities
  • Common Process – Growth center
  • The pool of internal contributors increased – better commitment
  • Homework and meetings; facts and discussions
  • Documented and visible on readily available boards
  • 1-3 actions decided

Management Growth Drive: Are we targeted and adequately to the forefront?

Products and Product Development: At what products do we ear ou money and what should we focus on in the future?

Sales and marketing: Is the sales process optimally adapted to the opportunities that exist today?

Competition: Can we commit against our competitors and do we have a strong profile?

PHASE 2: Preparation

The target is to increase the success rate of the new initiatives

Different content e.g.:

  • Remove obstacles before new initiatives set in motion
  • Further assessment of options e.g. new markets
  • Design and develop sales materials
  • Provide new employee
  • Competence development
  • Growth coaching of the management team

PHASE 3: Initiative

The most important are:

  • Implementation of the 1-3 market-oriented growth projects
  • Take the direct route – harvest the “lowst hanging frut” at first = success
  • Larger and more complex growth initiatives

 Eye opener – Preparation – Initiative

Innovation Management

Innovation is when creativity succeeds!

Innovation means growth, and growth means existence. All other from schools, public institutions, companies and organizations must realize that their ability of existence is not given but must be created every day. And the best way to create it is to move with the times and be ahead with innovative solutions.

Innovation is like a train – if you standing still, you get run over. If you run forward you will reach the destination before others. If you skip on train itself, you will do it reasonably good, as long as you move like the rhythm of the train. If not, you risk dropping down. And if you fall asleep, you will be left behind!

How can you lead towards a objective, you do not know? It is possible when the motivation burns in the hearts and the vision lights up in the sky. Determine strategy and makes the vision visible so it is well known throughout the whole organization!

Through provocation increased tolerance and creating more innovation.

Innovation, when it is best is how to influence people through the process and let go of desire to control what is going to happen. The more you get people to act wisely and effectively on their own, the greater chance for success.
Innovation Management is basically characterized by the vision to influence rather than control.

Innovation is about finding the next wave of profitable growth for the company. To identify and hatch the business ideas that can have a decisive influence on the future of the company, while ideas for continuous performance improvement is captured and implemented.

Innovation management is management of the processes by which new products, new processes or new administrative procedures are created and implemented.

The frame for good innovation management can be established as 4R model, since in addition to motivation, which is the individual’s inner drive and desire to act, are four important factors.

4R model:

Relationships: Interaction, the relationship between two or more individuals – one should as a group would each other. Without fruitfully relationships no major innovations.

Reflection: Individual, consciously or unconsciously consideration – you do as an individual reflection. Reflection is a necessary component in creativity. And for someone difficult to master in a busy day.

Ritual: One or more activities that take place in a period and inclusive process, while there is awareness of what happens and how it happens. The process can take place at all levels, individually and simultaneously.

Result: Consequence or visible outcome. A target or objective achieved a solution to a problem – focus on what comes out of it.

Relationships, reflection, ritual and performance affect creativity and innovation.

Prerequisites for innovation:

  • Break down the walls and create a multi-disciplinary organization where work in projects and teams takes places.
  • Assign all employees a coach instead of a boss
  • Train a number of professional project managers and project managers
  • Train organization to work in projects, including the managers
  • Create a project-oriented organization with project teams and departments, with max. 10 to 12 people each.
  • Monitor that multidisciplinary teams always created
  • Create teams with a complementary group of persons
  • Be aware that the most appropriate persons are being selected and not always the same persons.
  • Develop procedures to manage development budgets, salaries, etc.
  • Talk open and honest.


Make a thorough description of the situation, what do we want and what we are dealing with? Prepare a SWOT analysis of the task and the team; assess strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

  • What is the greatest mistake we can make?
  • What is the greatest opportunity?

Discuss the challenge of the project and create consensus within the team about what the task is. Repeat regularly the purpose for the task and how to get it performed.


Analyze successes in order to find the underlying values. Find the values ​​that go again – common denominators for High Performance patterns.
Find the values ​​to be prioritized in order to achieve a 110% goal.
Find the values ​​that may prevent the team from reaching the goal and park them.
Find the strategic values ​​that are the few values ​​that must function 110% when the target is reached.

  • Strategic value is ‘heart’ of the possible future
  • Strategic values ​​creates energy and commitment


The objective/vision of the goal described, so everyone can see it for themselves and especially that everyone can see its place in reaching the target. Hence there will later be signed by the many paths from the target, and to where we are right now.

Be specific in description of objective

  • Part the objective up in milestones areas – such as leadership, organization, products, finance, information systems
  • Describe the objective
  • Be ambitious – 110%
  • We know that the objective is 110% when the participants said: “It will not be easy, but it can be done, and we must do it.”

Action plans and pilot projects

  • Set plan based on the objective – backwards
  • Describe milestones and criteria for meeting the objective
  • Describe the activities that lead from milestone to milestone
  • Describe pilot projects – implemented at max. 100 days with full focus on the strategic values.
  • Agree milestones and how to celebrate progress

Walk as you talk

All work best with new things when we can trust each other and the company. Be honest in all contexts. Show confidence, certain own weaknesses, so that others can have the opportunity to help where actually need it.

  • Be professional objectively – not political subjectively
  • See things from the company’s perspective rather than your boss
  • What you say about others – you always say to themselves
  • Help where you can: For the one who gives, given more.
  • Speak your mind in a proper manner – by recognizing that there is always at least one other way of looking at things.
  • See that the company treats people properly, even if you do not think they do a good job – we can all ports in the same situation.


How to ensure growth and what drives growth?

The fact that a company growths does not necessarily mean that there are seen a healthy profit, unfortunately …

“If you can not beat your Competitors simply join them or even better buy them out”.

Who do not know this expression? The more important it is to avoid getting into such situation.

“Do not compete with rivals – make them irrelevant”

Only through due diligence, determining the right strategy included measurable objectives and of course sustaining focus on business processes, the company will succeed to stay abreast of developments and being an future proof business.

Growth Drive is as international standards a tool who in a simple and straightforward manner, indicates the areas in companies to be investigated, where to find basis for optimization and further growth.

Instead of focus on ALARM areas (red area), look at the areas that prove to be effective (green area). Here’s something that really ‘plays’, managed perfectly !

What happens, what is it that works so well? All employees thrive, are innovative and generates almost never made mistake of any kind? Transfer these objective evidences of excellent performance to other areas of the company, where analysis shows that there is room for improvement.

Sharing knowledge across the organization promoted through communication and dialogue, timely information to staff on all matters which are relevant for their daily work.

• Does the company have the right strategy?
• Is the strategy well known among all employees throughout the organization?
• How does we ensure continuously information on development in the company?
• How about the collaboration cross departments?

Happy and satisfied employees drives the growth. The employees are the most important ressource of the company, without them no production or service, and without production or services no company.

Growth Drive derived from Blue Ocean and characterizes a market without competitors, because the way the company works, simply is unique as well as their products/services are.